Monday, March 29, 2010

U-G-L-Y, You Ain't Got No Alibi, You Ugly...

This NCAA Tournament has been the best in years. There have been countless upsets, and every game has been fun to watch. Unfortunately, I think I'll have to pass on watching the Duke v. West Virginia game. No, it's not because I think the game itself will be sub-par; I'm sure it will be a great match-up. And it's not because I despise any of the schools, coaches, players, etc. I cannot bring myself to watch the game because of one man: Kyle Singler (pictured left).

Hey, the guy is a great basketball player, and I'm sure he'd be fun to watch...provided he put a paper bag over his head. Kyle Singler is just plain ugly. He is the sole reason I wish sports were not broadcasted in Hi-Definition. I mean, look at the guy. He is borderline albino. I don't think he has seen the sun in a year. Plus, his features remind me of that deformed guy from The Goonies:

Not only is Singler tough on the eyes, but he's creepy as well. I'd be fine with him if he was some scrawny point guard, but the guy is 6' 9" and weighs 220 lbs. Every time the camera man zooms in on him, I shudder.

To be fair, ugly basketball players are not a rarity. It almost like there's a positive relationship between the ugliness of a player and their skill level. Just look at Stephen Jackson. The guy can play ball, but he's no male model:
Anyways, even though it'll be tough to watch the Duke game, I think Duke will pull through. I just don't see the West Virginia defense being able to stop Singler. I mean, let's be honest, would you go near him?


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